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GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease - GERD
Contents of this Article
Gastroesophageal Reflux:
The backflow of acid & food particles that seep out of the stomach and up into the * esophagus, commonly known as heartburn, a painful, burning feeling in the chest, most commonly occurring after a meal. Heartburn on a regular basis can lead to damage & scarring in the esophagus. Frequent heartburn, occurring several times a week to several times a day, may be associated with a more severe condition known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Heartburn is so common, it often is not associated with a serious disease like GERD.
Diet for GERD
GERD stands for GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease
Certain foods can be associated with GERD.
Foods to Avoid:
- Citrus fruits
- Chocolate
- Drinks with caffeine
- Carbonated beverages
- Whole milk
- Fatty and fried foods
- Garlic and onions
- Mint flavorings, peppermint, spearmint
- Spicy foods
- Tomato based foods, like spaghetti sauce, chili, and pizza
Definitions For This Page - In Alphabetical Order
* Esophagus
Pronounced - eh-SAW-fuh-gus
Esophagus is the organ that connects the mouth to the stomach. Also called gullet or food pipe. Also spelled oesophagus.
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