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Constipation and Medication

Constipation can be caused by a variety of medications. Some are:

  • Pain medications, especially narcotics - drugs containing morphine or codeine
  • Calcium pills and antacids that contain aluminum and calcium
  • High blood pressure medications - calcium channel blockers
  • Antiparkinson drugs
  • Antispasmodics - medication that lowers the incidence of or prevents seizures or muscle spasms
  • Antidepressants - medication used to treat depression
  • Iron supplements
  • Diuretics - water pills
  • Anticonvulsants - medication used to control epilepsy and other seizure (convulsions) disorders

If you take medicine for another problem, be sure to ask your doctor whether it could cause constipation. If you are on medications that cause constipation, discuss with your doctor your options, such as a stool softener. Whenever a significant or prolonged change in bowel habits occurs, check with your doctor.

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The information discussed above is a general overview and does not include all the facts, or include everything there is to know about any medicine and/or products mentioned. Do not use any medicine and/or products without first talking to your doctor. Possible side effects of medications, other than those listed, may occur. Other brand names or generic forms of this medicine may also be available. If you have questions or concerns, or want more information, your doctor or pharmacist has the complete prescribing information about this medicine and possible drug interactions.